Do What Only a True Artist Can Do [pounce upon the forgotten butterfly of revelation]

Blog My Dog My Organic Life My Photography


Had a wonderful weekend!

Did a bunch of hiking and some dog park time with Raelie.


——— We watched a movie together too 🙂 ———

Broke out a some film cameras and shot every lens flare in sight!  The weather in LA has finally gotten warm again (after a dreadful cold spell of mid-40’s that had me gearing up the fireplace every night!), and the cold I had is finally gone.  It’s interesting to be out in shorts in January, but as someone who has literally gotten frostbite in the past, I’m not complaining.  I crossed The Getty Center off my bucket list, and even took a few photos before getting in trouble for it!  My trip to Europe really spoiled me as far as museum etiquette. They practically let you lick the art (and I would)!   The trip was super, super inspiring and productive, and I’m excited to go back.  🙂

I can’t get enough of Southern California in the Winter.



Day moon is my absolute favorite day time phenomena, happens every day in SoCal, always compels me to pray and always reminds me of beautiful Nabokov poems:

“The sun is a thief: she lures the sea
and robs it. The moon is a thief:
he steals his silvery light from the sun.
The sea is a thief: it dissolves the moon.”



———— Raelie made some friends this week ————ImageImageImageImageImage

———— J says, ” I have a new respect for strippers.”————Image

———— I faired slightly better (thanks, Yoga!) ————ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage




— You see the hearts too, right? 🙂 <3 —





“I was the shadow of the waxwing slain / By the false azure in the windowpane…”
― Vladimir NabokovPale Fire

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 *All Photography (C) Tara Mackey 2013


Love & Light